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Kiss ready lips

In Lip Care Tips on October 9, 2011 at 11:34 pm

Always dreamt of having the perfect kiss ready lips and the perfect shades & tricks to get them looking delicious..these tips will just take you closer to your dreams:

Get Lippy: There’s no need to pay extra for long lasting lipstick. Even the cheapest lipstick can last all night if you apply it well. Use a lip pencil all over the lips, then apply face powder to set the pencil. Top with a coat of lipstick, then blot your lips by pressing them together on some tissue before applying a second coat.

Tea Toner: Tea can help your lips retain moisture and appear smoother. Simply press a used tea bag to clean lips, while it is still warm, and use to clean for 5 minutes.

Long Life Lipstick: Lipstick can last upto two years, depending on the brand, so dont throw it out when a little nub is left. Scrape it into an empty , sterilized lip-gloss or eye shadow pot instead. If you’re feeling creative, you could even mix different shades to make your own colour. Apply with a lip brush.

Mix It Up:  You can make your own lip gloss from the end of lipstick. Put a little petroleum jelly and a little of your leftover lipstick in an empty, sterilized lip gloss pot. If it doesn’t blend together well, put it in a microwave-safe container and heat for a few seconds.

Natural Oils: A little olive oil will soothe dry, chapped lips as well as any store bought balm. Simply dab it on your clean lips with your finger preferably before going to bed.

Shimmer & Shine: Make your own sparkly lip gloss: stir 1 heaped teaspoon of petroleum jelly, 1/4 teaspoon of hot , boiled water and 1 teaspoon of sugar together until sugar is dissolved. Then add some pink or red food colouring and a pinch of edible glitter. Let the mixture cool, then scoop it into an empty lip-gloss container. Use within a month.

Spicy Lip Plumper: Cinnamon encourages blood flow, and is the key ingredient in many expensive lip plumbers. Blend a drop of cinnamon oil with a tablespoon of olive oil or almond oil and rub it onto your lips. It will make your lips tingle and give them a natural fullness.

Brush em’: For soft lips, gently scrub them with a toothbrush. This will remove the dead skin from the lips. Follow it up by applying a lip balm or natural oil on them. You can do that after brushing your teeth in the morning or at night.

No Licking: Licking your lips feels great. It cools them down — but it also makes your problem much worse. Your saliva evaporates quickly, leaving them drier than before, and the enzymes that help your saliva clean your mouth and digest food are much too harsh for your lips.