
Posts Tagged ‘Body Treatments’

Massages made easier

In Massage on October 16, 2011 at 6:46 pm

Massage…does it mean a huge bill to you. follow these simple tricks for a quick massage. Enjoy:

Tennis Pro: Instead of shelling out for an expensive salon massage, make your own back relaxer by lying on your back on a couple of used tennis balls, positioned at the top of your buttocks or your lower back, with your knees pointing up and your feet flat on the floor. Then roll around to release tension in the back area.

Get your back in: Give yourself a circulation mini-boost when applying hand cream by using small circular movements to rub the cream into your knuckles and joints. Use your thumbs to massage the backs of your hands.

Breast Uplift: The thin skin on your breasts is prone to sagging and toxins build up. Massage problems away using almond oil and gentle sweeping strokes from the underside up into the armpits.

Finish with a bath: After your massage, soak in a bath for a ten-minute relaxation. Aromatheraphy oils are particuarly beneficial at this time because you will already be relaxed and have stimulated skin, which will make the oil more beneficial.

Take the pinch: Stimulate circulation in your facial skin by pinching the jawline. Start at the chin, pinching with your thumbs underneath and your fingers on top, and holding for ten seconds. Move along the lower jawbone until you reach the earlobes. Aim for four or five pinches to cover the area.

Pamper your peepers: Reduce eye strain and wrinkles caused by squinting with a regenerating eye massage. Work fingers along the orbit bone around your eye sockets. Start at the outer edge and work backwards and forward from the bridge of your nose atleast three times.

Nurture your neck: With your right hand gently massage the left side of your neck at the shoulder in a rhythmic motion, working from the base to the ear, and moving slightly round to the back as you do so, in circular strokes. Repeat on the right side of the neck using your left hand. Finish with the fingers of both hands working either side of the spine at the back of your neck.

Body Beautiful

In Body Beautiful on September 28, 2011 at 11:45 pm

Caring for your body goes a long way to making you feel and look more beautiful. The best part is, it doesn’t take too much to see visible difference.  In this section you will get all the little tricks and regimes that will leave you in awe of your own self. Here’s to body beautiful:

Don’t Drink Caffeine: If you are having a body wrap avoid caffeine, fried food, sugar and fizzy drinks for 24 hours before and after the treatment to boost its efficiency. All these can add to toxin build up and reduce treatment’s action.

Hot & Cold: Bath temperatures can be used therapeutically. Cold baths reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels while hot ones relieve muscle soreness and eliminate body toxins.

Flush It Out: Drink lots of water, during and after body masks to help remove toxins and stimulate the lymph system. This is especially important for detoxifying treatments, which are very dehydrating.

Always Replace Moisture: Baths and showers always rob skin of its moisture, even if you use a very gentle body wash. Always use body oils or a specially formulated body lotion after bathing to replace lost moisture and keep skin hydrated.

Fight The Dark Skin: Darker areas of the skin, as the knees and elbows, are the result of very dry accumulated skin cells. These will benefit from an intensive exfoliation treatment, followed by a rich moisturizing cream. To lighten skin at the elbows, cut a lemon in half and rub each half into an elbow.

For Your Soles: A cost effective way to remove hard, dead skin from your feet is to add rock salt to a little olive oil and use as scrub. Afterwards moisturise with warm olive oil.

Fungus Free Feet: Medicine for toenail fungus isn’t cheap and doesn’t always work. So treat your feet by soaking them in a mixture of equal amounts of white vinegar and water for 30 mins daily until the condition clears.

Pretty Hands: Mix a paste of almond oil and salt in the palm of one hand and use to scrub the back of your hands and over your knuckles- get gorgeously smooth hands in a jiffy.

Nail It: If your nails are brittle and tend to break, just apply castor oil on your cuticles every night before going to bed..Give your hand a gentle massage to enhance blood circulation and get stronger nails.