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Set your products on ‘maximize’ mode

In Tips to maximize product absorption on October 10, 2011 at 11:17 am

Ditch the dead cells. Dead cells are like gossamer curtain on your skin. You need to take control of it to allow the goodness of skin care products to get in. “Basic cleansers free up pores by removing dirt and oil but to truly increase absorption and maximize the performance of your cleanser, you need to first exfoliate the dead cells away and then cleanse,” note skin experts at Clinique. You obviously don’t want dead skin getting in the way of a good wash.

Skin has a first come first serve policy. Whichever product is applied first penetrates the best. Therefore, skin products used for treatments should be given first priority. After treatments are in place, you can add-on other items in order of density, from thinnest like your serums to thickest like sunscreens. “Just remember, less is more and use the lighter formula first and the heavier formula last,” suggest the skin experts at Clinique.

If you have to use two products for two different problems, use one in the morning and one at the night but both on bare skin. Sponge it upDamp skin acts like a sponge, quickly absorbing whatever comes its way.  “Always remember, for cleansed skin use serum first and then layer it with a moisturiser,” adds Braganza.

Raise the bar with warmth.Raise the skin’s temperature slightly by using lukewarm water to wash your face. This causes blood vessels and pores to open and the space between the cells means there’s a greater surface area for absorption, which helps the product to get in. “Products move through skin and interact with cells more quickly when the skin is warm,” explains Braganza.

One of the best ways to boost absorption is to top ingredients with heavy ointments. It is therefore a safe bet to use products which are in the form of thick ointments or use creams along with a dab of petroleum. This will ensure that the products allot maximum moisturiser. “Emollient skincare products should be used during the winters for dry to very dry skin,” suggests Braganza.

Everyone gets snowed under by all the ads on skin care products, feeling pressurised to shell out thousands on these products. However, what will really help your skin deal with the daily anguish is the right care and application.

Source: TOI