
Posts Tagged ‘skin & alcohol’

Alcohol & your skin

In Body Beautiful on October 29, 2011 at 9:36 pm

Ending the day with a small drink can be relaxing. But what are the effects of alcohol on the person? Are they all harmful? Or does alcohol have any good effects on the body?

There have been some studies done which suggests that drinking alcohol in moderation can raise your good cholesterol level. The good cholesterol or HDL helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.

However, excessive intakes can have detrimental effects on your health.

Alcohol dilates the blood vessel in the skin. Every time you have a drink, the blood vessels will dilate and remain permanently dilated until they lose their tone.

Excessive drinking of alcohol will lead to the development of telangiectasias or chronic dilation of the capillaries and a permanent flush on the face.

Alcohol also worsens acne rosacea, a skin disorders that is characterized by redness, flushing, pusheads and pimply bumps and telangiectasias.

Alcohol also depletes the body of vitamin A, an important anti-oxidant.

Avoid alcohol and stay beautiful…